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Court of Appeal Decision of the Week Blog

2024 ONCA 619

Interventions: First Past the Post System; Elections Law
Supreme Advocacy
August 29, 2024
4m 32s

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 148

Airline policy, statutory interpretation, a new paper on Auer/TransAlta
Mark Mancini
August 25, 2024
12m 33s

Court of Appeal Decision of the Week Blog

2024 NSCA 77

Limitation Periods; Discoverability; Test for Leave; Summary Judgment
Supreme Advocacy
August 22, 2024
5m 37s

Court of Appeal Decision of the Week Blog

2024 MBCA 60

Jurisdiction: Interlocutory v. Final Order
Supreme Advocacy
August 14, 2024
5 min

Court of Appeal Decision of the Week Blog

2024 SKCA 74

Intervening at the Court of Appeal: Notwithstanding Clause; Use of Preferred Pronouns
Supreme Advocacy
August 8, 2024
5m 26s

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 147

What is a "public" decision?
Mark Mancini
August 4, 2024
10m 20s

Poonian v. British Columbia (Securities Commission)

2024 SCC 28

Bankruptcy and insolvency — Debts not released by order of discharge
Supreme Court of Canada
July 31, 2024
4m 24s (brief)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 146

Stratas JA decisions, municipal bylaws.
Mark Mancini
July 28, 2024
13m 20s

Ontario (Attorney General) v. Restoule

2024 SCC 27

Aboriginal law — Treaty rights — Historic treaties — Interpretation Aboriginal law — Treaty rights — Honour of Crown — Fiduciary duty
Supreme Court of Canada
July 26, 2024
4h 7m (full)
5m 36s (brief)

Court of Appeal Decision of the Week Blog

2024 ONCA 577

Franchise Law: Rescission and Statutory Compensation under the Arthur Wishart Act
Supreme Advocacy
July 24, 2024
3m 39s