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R. v. Kahsai

2023 SCC 20

Criminal law — Trial — Amicus curiae
Supreme Court of Canada
July 28, 2023
51m (full)
6m 36s (summary)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 98

Mandamus & standard of review on regulations
Mark Mancini
July 23, 2023

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 97

General questions, prematurity, reasonableness review
Mark Mancini
July 16, 2023

R. v. Abdullahi

2023 SCC 19

Criminal law — Appeals — Charge to jury
Supreme Court of Canada
July 14, 2023
1h 32m (full)
12m (summary)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 96

Mandamus in immigration applications, Law Society Tribunal
Mark Mancini
July 9, 2023

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 95

Tribunal participation, Chinook, and more.
Mark Mancini
July 2, 2023

R. v. Basque

2023 SCC 18

Criminal law — Sentencing — Mandatory minimums
Supreme Court of Canada
June 30, 2023
56m (full)
9m 22s (summary)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 94

Prayer in private schools, reasons, delay in administrative proceedings, and more.
Mark Mancini
June 25, 2023

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 93

A big issue: Safe 3rd Country, Dore, Chinook and boilerplate, Ontario adjudicative appointments, procedural fairness.
Mark Mancini
June 18, 2023

Canadian Council for Refugees v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)

2023 SCC 17

Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Right to life, liberty and security of person Immigration — Refugee protection — Ineligibility
Supreme Court of Canada
June 17, 2023
2h 09m (full)
20m 39s (summary)