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Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Governor General in Council)

2018 SCC 40

Courts — Federal Court — Jurisdiction Constitutional law — Aboriginal peoples — Treaty rights Crown — Honour of Crown — Duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal peoples
Supreme Court of Canada
October 11, 2018
1h 58m (full)
19m 50s (summary)

Law Society of British Columbia v. Trinity Western University

2018 SCC 32

Law of professions — Barristers and solicitors — Law society Administrative law — Judicial review — Standard of review
Supreme Court of Canada
June 15, 2018
3h 32m (full)
30m 57s (summary)

R. v. Comeau

2018 SCC 15

Constitutional law — Interprovincial trade — Provincial offences
Supreme Court of Canada
April 19, 2018
1h 14m (full)
9m 10s (summary)

Nelson (City) v. Mowatt

2017 SCC 8

Property — Real property — Adverse possession
Supreme Court of Canada
February 17, 2017
32m 12s (full)
5m 11s (summary)

R. v. Anthony-Cook

2016 SCC 43

Criminal law — Sentencing — Sentencing procedure
Supreme Court of Canada
October 21, 2016
34m 12 (full)
5m 35s (summary)

R. v. Jordan

2016 SCC 27

Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Right to be tried within reasonable time
Supreme Court of Canada
July 8, 2016
2h 28m (full)
18m 40s (summary)

R. v. Lacasse

2015 SCC 64

Criminal law — Sentencing — Appeals Criminal law — Sentencing — Considerations
Supreme Court of Canada
December 17, 2015
1h 51m (full)
16m (summary)

White Burgess Langille Inman v. Abbott and Haliburton Co.

2015 SCC 23

Evidence — Admissibility — Expert evidence
Supreme Court of Canada
April 30, 2015
35m 31s (full)
5m 27s (full)

Loyola High School v. Quebec (Attorney General)

2015 SCC 12

Administrative law — Judicial review — Standard of Review Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Freedom of religion Human rights — Freedom of religion
Supreme Court of Canada
March 19, 2015
1h 41s (full)
15m 35s (summary)

Carter v. Canada (Attorney General)

2015 SCC 5

Constitutional law — Division of powers — Interjurisdictional immunity Constitutional law — Charter of Rights — Right to life, liberty and security of the person
Supreme Court of Canada
February 6, 2015
1h 27m (full)
9m 50s (summary)