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Court of Appeal Decision of the Week Blog

2024 ABCA 42

Single judge applications: Permission to appeal; Extensions of time
Supreme Advocacy
February 14, 2024
6m (full)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 124

Statutory interpretation cases
Mark Mancini
February 11, 2024

Reference re An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families

2024 SCC 5

Constitutional law — Division of powers — Aboriginal peoples — Child and family services
Supreme Court of Canada
February 9, 2024
1h 35m (full)
15m (summary)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 123

A new SCC case, general questions of central importance
Mark Mancini
February 4, 2024

Ontario (Attorney General) v. Ontario (Information and Privacy Commissioner)

2024 SCC 4

Access to information — Exemptions — Cabinet records — Mandate letters
Supreme Court of Canada
February 2, 2024
55m (full)
10m (summary)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 122

Emergencies Act ruling
Mark Mancini
January 28, 2024

R. v. Brunelle

2024 SCC 3

Charter of Rights — Stay of proceedings — Abuse of process — Infringement of right to counsel
Supreme Court of Canada
January 26, 2024
1h 14m (full)
13m (summary)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 121

Two British Columbia cases
Mark Mancini
January 21, 2024

Sullivan v. Canada (Attorney General)

2024 FCA 7

Administrative Law – Remedies – Charter Values
Court of Appeal
January 19, 2024
6m (full)

Sunday Evening Administrative Review

Issue 120

More Charter values, "coaching," credibility
Mark Mancini
January 14, 2024